Want to be Featured?
Are you an Artist, Band or creative that would like to be featured on our platforms?
What can we do for you?
We can help you grow, get heard and provide exposure through our social platforms and website. So if you want your creative niche to be exposed and supported by us? Then give us a shout by sending us the below information and we can see what we can do whether you would like your new single to be reviewed or you would like your new collection of poems showcased, we're here to support the creative space. Go on, Give us a shout!
Please ensure you include the following information:
*Name (band name, creative name, social name, etc)
*Social media links (Instagram, Facebook, YouTube etc)
*Music genre (s) or Creative type (eg. comic book creator, vinyl record reviewer)
*Email address
*Streaming link (Spotify, Bandcamp etc)
*Website if applicable
Please send to artist@themusictrunk.com