Harry Lavin
Harry Lavin has set a standard for his debut solo release ‘Where’s Home’. It almost sends you into a dreamy world of your own, with tasteful melodies and vocals that sound not too far from an Oasis record, mixed with a bit of the Roses.
Harry Lavin is no stranger to the music game, being part of band ‘Twisted Wheel’ Lavin has sound experience of what its like to blast out some music, festivals, releases and support Liam Gallagher! So one would expect due deliverance from the musician. The Madchester vibe sparkles through this track, and it does not disappoint. Harry has created a pure creation of Indie rock brilliance.
It’s actually a breath of fresh air to hear. Maybe its because his intentions were not focused on the Oasisesque influence from the onset, and instead just surrounded his creative aura; seeping out just enough to solidify a song that hints Madchester. ‘Where’s Home’ doesn’t replicate Oasis or The Stone Roses for that matter, but rather sits forcefully within that genre of Northern Indie Rock.
It might come as a surprise that Harry’s main influence for the sound of the track comes from Interpol’s debut album ‘Turn on the Bright Lights’? Once you understand this it seems obvious and you can hear this influence as soon as the track starts. Maybe this is bigotry of the British ear? Or just plain ignorance. Whatever, it is clear that Harry has influences pulling from the likes of any rhythmic, staccato bass, snare heavy Punky, Pop, Indie type band/genre.
What is a genre anyway these days?
‘Where’s Home’ is a great Indie-Rock tune that revels in ‘to the point’ chords and twangy, reverberating guitar melodies that formulate a lasting impression. It’s catchy and almost anthemic. It will be interesting to hear more from Harry, and see where his influences throw his creative oust over a cache of songs.
What’s next for Harry Lavin? Well, he has informed us that he is developing a list of singles to be released early in the summer, so watch this space!
Listen to Where’s Home Now 👉🎧
We got in touch with Harry, have a read of our interview below:
Hi, could you tell us a little bit about who you are and how you started out as an artist? Have you always been into music and played guitar?
"I picked up the guitar at 13 and formed my first band by 15 - we played a lot of covers from the 60s mod era and learnt our craft playing the local pub circuit. From that group sprang ‘Shadow Palace’ - my first taste of being in a proper band playing gigs and festivals across the country. Playing in that band was a brilliant learning curve for what was to follow with joining ‘Twisted Wheel’ a few years later."
So your debut single is out now 'Where's Home' we really like it, it has a real Madchester vibe. Would you agree? What was the inspiration behind it?
"When I recorded it, my head was very much in listening to ‘Interpol’ and angular post-punk bands. It only really occurred to me that the single sounded so Manchester-like after the release and people started making comparisons with Johnny Marr - which, by the way, is an incredible compliment. To be quite honest though ‘Turn On The Bright Lights’ as an album was the main inspiration behind the sound of the track. The producer on the single Dean Glover helped push me down that path to pursue that expansive sound. I guess the Manchester side of the sound is just a subconscious outcome of our backgrounds."
Where do your influences come from? What music and artists did you listen too growing up?
"Growing up I started with hip hop records. ‘The Eminem Show’ and ‘Get Rich or Die Trying’ were massive for me as a kid. It was only when I got midway through secondary school did my love for guitar music start. As with anyone from Greater Manchester, it all started with Oasis. I genuinely couldn’t believe my luck when we went on tour with Liam Gallagher less than ten years after I picked up the guitar for the first time."
How do you write songs? What is your creative process like?
"My current process is quite varied. I have a small home studio setup that allows me to experiment and expand on very small musical ideas. Usually I’ll start with a small passage of music on the guitar and record it with the production that I envision on a finished track, that then gives me the impetus to produce a full track. I find it easier to write with a vision of the final product - it helps guide the process and keep me disciplined. My lyrics are often now based around a ‘less is more’ ethic. I don’t like to waste words."
Whats the best gig you have ever played and why?
"Hands down Finsbury Park 2018 - supporting Liam Gallagher. The occasion was incredible. Around ten minutes before we went onstage we got the news that we’d just gone to number one in the U.K. physical charts. Glorious sunshine, huge crowd and a crowning triumph."
Who would you love to collaborate with and why?
"There are so many amazing current artists out there that it would be hard to choose a few. Ace Ambrose is a really good artist and one of the coolest people on the planet (I do not exaggerate either). I have a massive respect for Zach Skinner and think that we could write something huge together. Megan Wynn is a great singer-songwriter that would make any track sound infinitely better. I think above all though Paddy Neville from Yellow Brain and Cabbage. I think musically we are on a very similar wavelength. There’s a track he did with a band called ‘Brahma Lola’ called ‘White Horse Waves’ - an absolute masterpiece that I forever wish I’d written. I’d love to do a track with Paddy."
When and where is your next gig?
"I won’t be hitting the circuit until after summer. So all will be revealed then."
What artists/ bands are you listening to right now?
"The Mysterines, Skinner Brothers, Formal Speedwear and Fontaines D.C are all heavily featured on my speakers at home."
Where do you see yourself in 5 years? Where do you want to be?
"I hope that in five years I’m a better songwriter than I am now. That’s my main ambition - to keep pushing forward with new ideas. If I achieve that then everything will fall into place. Standing still is not an option."
Do you have particular tastes in musical equipment in terms of brands?
"I love my Fender guitars. I have an 80s Japanese Telecaster, a 90’ Jaguar and a Mexican P-bass. Not the most expensive, but the most effective for what I do. I don’t see myself as an elite musician, so why play the elite instruments? My grounding is very much in the DIY punk ethic. The moment I splash out £10,000 on a fancy Gibson Les Paul - shoot me. In terms of amps, I’ve always played the same Vox AC30 VR from the start. People scorn at the idea of a hybrid amp. But again, I’m not a purist. I do what works for me. Huge valve amps and expensive guitars aren’t my thing."
When are you next releasing a track or album even? Can you tell us more about what's next?
"My plan is to a release a run of singles, culminating in an EP to be released early in the summer."
Listen to Where’s Home Now 👉🎧
Find out more about Harry Lavin:
All photos are taken from Harry Lavin's Social media pages and are accredited to and approved by Harry Lavin.